High heel shoes and low back pain

best atlanta chiropractor

Ladies, if you wear high heel shoes on a regular basis, this video will show why it’s important to do it in moderation and alternate between high heels and flat shoes. When you wear high heels, you alter the biomechanics of the low back and pelvis. The pelvis rotates forward causing an increase in the…

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A lack of pain DOES NOT mean you’re healthy

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In this short video, I answer a question I get asked over and over again.  That question is “how long do I have to continue exercising or getting treatment for my pain/problem?”.   The majority of people are used to only taking care of themselves whenever a pain or problem arises.  In other words, people…

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Neck pain, upper back pain, tension headache relief

atlanta chiropractor tension headache relief

If you’re suffering from neck pain, muscle tension, and tension headaches, in this video I show you an easy way to relieve your pain in 20 minutes with the use of a sock and 2 tennis balls. Stress in the workplace and desk jobs create continuous tension in the neck and upper back for millions…

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