3 Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric

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The health benefits of turmeric and curcumin are vast and there are over 10,000 studies proving its benefits so it’s no surprise that this wonder spice is highly sought after for its medicinal properties.

What’s Turmeric?

Turmeric is a spice from India which contains an active compound called Curcumin which is responsible for most of its health benefits and pain relief.

Health Benefit #1: Turmeric for Inflammation and arthritis

A study published in the journal Oncogene evaluated several anti-inflammatory compounds including aspirin and ibuprofen and found curcumin to be more effective at bringing down inflammation than the well known NSAID’s.

And that’s a good thing because inflammation is the source of most diseases, but some people can’t consume NSAID’s because they may cause abdominal problems.

The way NSAIDs work is by inhibiting pain producing enzymes called COX 1 and COX 2. If you inhibit those enzymes then you reduce pain.

But COX 1 is also responsible for protection of the lining of your stomach.

And that’s the reason why NSAID’s have a warning on the label that says consuming them can cause ulcers, stomach bleeding, and other GI issues.

Turmeric on the other hand is a selective COX 2 inhibitor which means it will not affect COX 1, so it can reduce pain inflammation without the gastrointestinal side effects.

Health Benefit #2 Turmeric can help to lower blood sugar

Turmeric has been show to dramatically lower your blood sugar levels specifically when taken with a meal.

This is great for people who are diabetics and are looking for ways to control their blood sugar without side effects and it’s also great for people who are borderline diabetics because it can help to prevent Type 2 diabetes.

Health Benefit #3: Turmeric / Curcumin is a natural painkiller

One of the well known properties of curcumin is its ability to manage pain and it does this by activating the opioid system in the body.

This is typically how drugs work but turmeric is able to do the same without any side effects.

How to Increase The Absorption of Turmeric


A study done at St. John’s Medical College have showed that adding piperine, a major component of black pepper, increases the absorption of curcumin by 2000% 45 minutes after taken orally.

BioPerine is the only piperine product to obtain a patented status for its ability to increase absorption and is also the only source of Piperine with clinical studies to substantiate its safety and efficacy for nutritional use.

How Does BioPerine Work?

BioPerine is a natural thermonutrient which means that it enhances thermogenesis, a process that generates energy and sets in motion the mechanisms necessary for absorption.

In other words, it provides a more efficient way to transport nutrients into the blood.

Why Is BioPerine Superior to Black Pepper?

You may be asking yourself, so I can just add black pepper to my turmeric to increase its absorption right?

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Black pepper fruit contains less than 10% piperine. BioPerine contains 95% piperine.

This means you would have to consume 10-20 times the amount of black pepper to have the equivalent amount of piperine in BioPerine.

Where Can You Buy High Quality Turmeric?

If you want to buy Turmeric that contains BioPerine and is highly absorbed by your body, visit https://SoothingNutrition.com



Hi! 🙂 My name's Dr. Guevara and I want to thank you for visiting my page. I'm passionate about health and love helping people attain and maintain their optimal physical condition. Through my knowledge and expertise I've been able to help thousands of people get out of pain and my goal is to do the same for you. Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

About The Author

Dr. Jose Guevara

Hi! :) My name's Dr. Guevara and I want to thank you for visiting my page. I'm passionate about health and love helping people attain and maintain their optimal physical condition. Through my knowledge and expertise I've been able to help thousands of people get out of pain and my goal is to do the same for you. Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

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